Monday, January 31, 2011

Website Islamik Yang Dibuat Oleh Pihak Yahudi

Mohon agar pesan ini dapat disebarkan kepada seluruh Saudaramu se-iman !!!

Jika tidak...maka seluruh Muslim di dunia bisa saja mendapatkan informasi yang salah dan keliru tentang Islam, untuk itu dimohon agar dapat menyebarkan pesan ini segera setelah membacanya.

  Waspadalah terhadap website di bawah ini:


www.aboutislam. com

www.thequran. com

www.allahassurance. com

Situs-situs tersebut telah sengaja dibuat oleh
kaum Yahudi


senantiasa gencar menyebarkan pemahaman

yang salah tentang

Al-Qur'an, Hadits dan Islam

Sekali lagi, mohon agar pesan ini dapat disebarkan kepada seluruh saudara Muslim di dunia.

Selalu waspada dan jeli terhadap semua sumber informasi  tentang Islam yang ada di beberapa Islamic Website, meskipun kelihatannya sungguh meyakinkan.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Coffee Beans Test

This is bizarre - after you find the guy - it's so obvious.
Once you find him - it's embarrassing, and you think,
'Why didn't I see him immediately?'
Doctors have concluded that if you find the man in the coffee beans in 3 seconds, the right half of your brain is better developed than most people. If you find the man between 3 seconds and 1 minute, the right half of the brain is developed normally. If you find the man between 1 minute and 3 minutes, then the right half of your brain is functioning slowly and you need to eat more protein. If you have not found the man after 3 minutes, the advice is to look for more of this type of exercise to make that part of the brain stronger!!!
And, yes, the man is really there!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Gula-gula "CLORETS"

Clorets infinity
Jika tidak diambil peduli ini bermakna, jika kita orang islam membeli produk Clorets, sudah pastilah sedikit sebanyak kita menyumbang dana ke agama sesat tersebut. Dan, secara tidak langsung atau tidak sengaja di dalam poket manusia terutamanya orang-orang islam akan terdapat salib di dalam poketnya walaupun dia sedang solat jika ianya tidak mengetahui. Ini salah satu sebab kenapa kita tidak khusyuk bila mengerjakan solat atau ibadah lain kerana kita sering menggunakan produk yang tidak tentu asal usulnya, tidak halal yang kita gunakan atau makan.

Pandainya tindakan orang-orang kristian menyebarkan agamanya kepada manusia dan kita orang islam semua tahu, mereka semua adalah golongan orang-orang yang sesat di sisi ALLAH SWT.

Mulai hari,
sama ada di dalam poket, kereta atau di rumah kita yang mempunyai produk gula-gula Clorets buangkan kedalam tong sampah. Kita orang-orang islam berjanji untuk BOIKOT (tidak membeli/mengguna) produk clorets atau sekutunya.

Ini adalah bukti yang benar:


Friday, January 28, 2011

Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About Your Eyes

Few people could argue that without our 5 senses life would be pretty dull. All our senses are extremely important but I think if you asked most people which sense would they least like to lose they would probably say their vision. As with most of our abilities, our vision is something that many of us take for granted. If you stop and think for a moment, you will realize that just about everything we do in our day to day life involves our vision. During this article I am going to try and see if I can get you to start thinking a little bit more about your eyes. Listed below is my top 10 list of weird and wonderful things you didn’t know about your eyes

10. Everyone needs reading glasses as they get older
This is assuming that you already have perfect distance vision. If you are currently reading this article and are under 40 years of age with perfect distance vision, I can say with absolute certainty that you will need reading glasses at some point in the future. For about 99% of the population the age that you will first start needing reading glasses is between 43 and 50 years old. This is because the lens in your eye slowly loses its focusing ability with age. In order to focus things near to you, your lens has to change from a flat to a more spherical shape and it loses the ability to do this as you get older. As you get to around 45 years old you will start to hold things further away from you to keep them focus.
9. The lens in your eye is quicker than any camera lens
Just behind the pupil sits the eyes natural lens, whose function is to focus on the object you are looking at. Just take a minute to glance around the room and think about how many different distances you are focusing at. Every time you do this, the lens in your eye is instantly changing focus without you even being aware of it! Compare that with a camera lens which takes a few seconds to focus between one distance and another. Just be thankful that the lens in your eye is as quick as it is, otherwise things would be continually going in and out of focus.
8. Your eyes are fully developed by the age of 7 years old
By the age of 7 years old our eyes are fully developed and are physiologically the same as adult’s eyes. It is for this reason that it is vitally important to pick up a lazy eye before we reach this age. The earlier a lazy eye is diagnosed, the greater the chance it will respond to treatment, as the eyes are still developing and capable of an improvement in vision. Beyond 7 years old no amount of treatment will result in any improvement in vision.
7. You blink approximately 15,000 times each day
Blinking is a semi- involuntary function meaning we do it automatically, but can also choose to blink if we so require. Blinking is an extremely important function of your eyes as it helps remove any debris on the surface of your eye, by spreading fresh tears over them. These tears help to nourish your eyes with oxygen and also have important anti bacterial properties. You can think of the function of blinking as being similar to the action of the windscreen wipers on your car, cleaning and removing everything to keep you seeing clearly.
6. Everyone gets cataracts as they get older
People don’t realize that cataracts are just a normal consequence of getting older and everyone gets them at some point in their life. You can think of cataracts as being similar to getting grey hair, in that it is just a normal natural age change. The average age people first get cataracts is about aged 70 years old and by 80 years old you are guaranteed to have cataracts. In the same way that you could not find any aged 80 years old without grey hair, it would be equally impossible to find anyone over 80 years old without cataracts. Cataracts refer to a gradual clouding of the lens in your eye and typically take about ten years from onset to them needing treatment.
5. Diabetes is often first detected during an eye test

People who suffer from type 2 diabetes (the type you develop later in life) are often symptom free, meaning they often don’t even know that they have it. This type of diabetes is commonly picked up during an eye test as it can be seen as tiny hemorrhages from leaking blood vessels at the back of your eye. This certainly is good reason to get your eyes tested regularly.
4. You see with your brain and not your eyes
The function of your eyes is to collect all the required information about the object you are looking at. This information is then passed from your eye to the brain via the optic nerve. It is the brain (visual cortex) where all this information is analyzed to enable you to ‘see’ the object in its finished form. This is not to say that your eyes don’t play an important role as they certainly do.
3. Your eyes can adapt to blind spots in your vision
Certain eye conditions such as Glaucoma and certain general health conditions such as having a stroke, can lead to you developing blind spots in your vision. This would be extremely debilitating if it wasn’t for your brain and your eyes ability to adapt to make these blind spots disappear. It does this by suppressing the blind spot in your affected eye and letting your other good eye ‘fill in the gaps’. It is adaptation like this that makes your eyes so resilient.
2. 20:20 vision is not the best vision you can have
When people hear the phrase 20:20 vision they assume that this is the best vision possible. However this is not true as 20:20 vision refers to what the average adult should be able to see. If you imagine a typical eye test chart the 20:20 vision is probably only the line second from the bottom. The line below it is even smaller than 20:20 vision and would mean you have 20:16 vision. So don’t be so impressed next time someone tells you they have 20:20 vision!
1. Your eyes water when they are dry
I know this might sound crazy but this is one of strange facts about your eyes. Your tears are made up of 3 different components and they are water, mucus and fat. If these 3 components are not in exactly the right quantities, your eyes can become dry as a consequence. Your brain responds to this dryness by producing extra water and hence your eyes water.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tarikh 26...kebetulan ke??


  "Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi, dan silih bergantinya malam dan siang terdapat tanda-tanda bagi orang-orang yang berAKAL" - Al-Imran 190

Bencana Tahun 1500-2000:
26 Jan 1531 gempa bumi di Lisbon, Portugal, 30.000 orang tewas
26 Jan 1700 gempa di Laut Pasifik, dari Vancouver Island, Southwest Canada off British Columbia hingga Northern California, Pacific Northwest,USA. Dikenal sebagai megathrust earthquake.
26 Jul 1805 gempa bumi di Naples, Calabria, Italy, 26.000 orang tewas
26 Aug 1883 Gunung Krakatau meletus, 36.000 orang diperkirakan tewas
26 Dec 1861 gempa bumi di Egion, Yunani
26 Mar 1872 gempa bumi di Owens Valley, USA
26 Aug 1896 gempa bumi di Skeid, Land, Islandia
26 Nov 1902 gempa bumi di Bohemia, sekarang Czech Republic
26 Nov 1930 gempa bumi di Izu
26 Sep 1932 gempa bumi di Ierissos, Yunani
26 Dec 1932 gempa bumi di Kansu, Cina, 70.000 orang tewas
26 Okt 1935 gempa bumi di Colombia
26 Dec 1939 gempa bumi di Erzincan, Turki, 41.000 orang tewas
26 Nov 1943 gempa di Tosya Ladik, Turki
26 Dec 1949 gempa bumi di Imaichi, Jepun
26 Mei 1957 gempa di Bolu Abant, Turki
26 Mar 1963, gempa bumi di Wakasa Bay, Jepang
26 Jul 1963 gempa bumi di Skopje, Yugoslavia, 1.000 orang tewas
26 Mei 1964 gempa bumi di S. Sandwich Island
26 Jul 1967 gempa bumi di Pulumur, Turki
26 Sep 1970 gempa bumi di Bahia Solano, Colombia
26 Jul 1971 gempa bumi di Solomon Island
26 Apr 1972 gempa bumi di Ezine, Turki
26 Mei 1975 gempa bumi di N. Atlantic
26 Mar 1977 gempa bumi di Palu, Turki
26 Dec 1979 gempa bumi di Carlisle, Inggris
26 Apr 1981 gempa bumi di Westmorland, USA
26 Mei 1983 gempa bumi di Nihonkai, Chubu, Jepang
26 Jan 1985 gempa bumi di Mendoza, Argentina
26 Jan 1986 gempa bumi di Tres Pinos, USA
26 Apr 1992 gempa bumi di Cape Mendocino, California, USA
26 Okt 1997 gempa bumi di Italia

Tahun 2000 - kini

Tsunami di Aceh tanggal 26 Desember'04, Gempa Jogja 26 Mei 2006, Tasik gempa 26 Jun 2010, Tsunami Mentawai 26 Oktober 2010, Merapi Meletus 26 Oktober 2010.

Ada apa dengan 26.? Trnyata..dlm alquran, jus 26 surat asy-syu'ara yg didalamnya pngertian tntg azab Allah... Subhanallah

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Learn The Law Of The Seed

This is very good piece of thought.
Read carefully & relate it to your life.
Take a look at an apple tree.
There might be 500 apples on the tree & each apple has 10 seeds.
That's a lot of seeds!
We might ask, 
" why would you need so many seeds to grow just a few more apple trees?"
Nature has something to teach us here.
It's telling us :
"Not all seeds grow."
"In life, most seeds never grow."
So, if you want to make something happen,
you had better try more than once.

This might mean :
  • You'll attend 20 interviews to get one job.
  • You'll interview 40 people to find one good employee.
  • You'll talk to 50 people to sell one house, one car, one vacuum cleaner, one insurance policy or a business idea.
  • You might meet a 100 acquaintances just to find one special friends. 
When we understand the "Law of The Seed",
  • We don't get so disappointed.
  • We stop feelings like victims.
  • We learn how to deal with things that happen to us.
Laws of nature are not things to take personally. We just need to understand them & work with them.
In a nutshell,
Successful people fail more often.
But, they plant more seeds.
When thing's are beyond your control,
here's something that you must NOT DO so as to avoid misery in your life.
  • You must not decide how you think the world should be.
  • You must not make rules for how everyone should behave.
  • Then, when the world doesn't obey your rules, you get angry!
  • That's what miserable people do!
On the other hand, lets say you expect that :
  • Friends should return favours.
  • People should appreciate you.
  • Planes should arrive on time.
  • Everyone should be honest.
  • Your husband or your best friends should remember your birthday.
These expectations may sound reasonable.
But often, these things won;t happen.
So, you end up frustrated & dissapointed.

There's a better strategy :
  • Demand less & instead, have preferences.
For things that are beyond your control, tell yourself :
  • " I would prefer this, but if that happens, it's OK too."
This is really a change in a mindset.
It is a shift in attitude, & it gives you more peace of mind.
You prefer that people are polite, but when they are rude, it doesn't ruin your day.
You prefer sunshine, but if its rains, it' ok too.
To become happier, we either need to :
  • Change the world OR change our thinking.
It is easier to change our thinking!

In a nutshell,
It is not a problem that is the issue, but rather it is your attitude attending to the problem taht is the problem.
It's not what happen to you that determines your happiness.
It's how you think about whats happen to you.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Memilih Sahabat

pesanan al-Qamah (seorang sahabat Rasulullah saw) kepada anaknya:

Pertama, pilihlah sahabat yang suka melindungi sahabatnya, dia adalah hiasan diri kita dan jika kita dalam kekurangan nafkah, dia suka mencukupi keperluan.

Kedua, pilihlah seorang sahabat yang apabila engkau menghulurkan tangan untuk memberikan jasa baik atau bantuanmu, dia suka menerima dengan rasa terharu, jikalau ia melihat kebaikan yang ada pada dirimu, dia suka menghitung-hitungkan (menyebutnya).

Ketiga, pilihlah seorang sahabat yang apabila engkau menghulurkan tangan untuk memberikan jasa baik atau bantuanmu, ia suka menerima dengan rasa terharu dan dianggap sangat berguna, dan jika ia mengetahui mengenai keburukan dirimu ia suka menutupinya.

Keempat, pilihlah sahabat yang jikalau engkau meminta sesuatu daripadanya, pasti ia memberi, jikalau engkau diam, dia mula menyapamu dulu dan jika ada sesuatu kesukaran dan kesedihan yang menimpa dirimu, dia suka membantu dan meringankanmu serta menghiburkanmu.

Kelima, sahabat yang jikalau engkau berkata, ia suka membenarkan ucapan dan bukan selalu mempercayainya saja. Jikalau engkau mengemukakan sesuatu persoalan yang berat dia suka mengusahakannya dan jika engkau berselisih dengannya, dia suka mengalah untuk kepentinganmu.

Dalam memilih sahabat kita hendaklah memilih sahabat yang baik agar
segala matlamat dan hasrat untuk memperjuangkan Islam dapat dilaksanakan
bersama-sama sahabat yang mulia.

~~~Don't read success story.Read only failure story.

Because failure story you get new idea to win, from
success story you get only message~~~

Monday, January 24, 2011

Insight Into Decision Making

Insight into Decision Making - Good One:

A group of children were playing near two railway tracks, one still in use while the other disused. Only one child played on the disused track, the  rest on the operational track.
The train is coming, and you are just beside the track interchange. You can make the train change its course to the disused track and save most of the kids. However, that would also mean the lone child playing by the disused track would be sacrificed. Or would you rather let the train go its way?   
Let's take a pause to think what kind of decision we could make........ .........
Scroll down

Most people might choose to divert the course of the train, and sacrifice only one child. You might think the same way, I guess. Exactly, to save most of the children at the expense of only one child was rational decision most people would make, morally and emotionally. But, have you ever thought that the child choosing to play on the disused track had in fact made the right decision to play at a safe place?
Nevertheless, he had to be sacrificed because of his ignorant friends who chose to play where the danger was. This kind of dilemma happens around us everyday. In the office, community, in politics and especially in a democratic society, the minority is often sacrificed for the interest of the majority, no matter how foolish or ignorant the majority are, and how farsighted and knowledgeable the minority are. The child who chose not to play with the rest on the operational track was sidelined. And in the case he was sacrificed, no one would shed a tear for him.
The great critic Leo Velski Julian who told the story said he would not try to change the course of the train because he believed that the kids playing on the operational track should have known very well that track was still in use, and that they should have run away if they heard the train's sirens.. If the train was diverted, that lone child would definitely die because he never thought the train could come over to that track! Moreover, that track was not in use probably because it was not safe. If the train was diverted to the track, we could put the lives of all passengers on board at stake! And in your attempt to save a few kids by sacrificing one child, you might end up sacrificing hundreds of people to save these few kids.
While we are all aware that life is full of tough decisions that need to be   made, we may not realize that hasty decisions may not always be the right one.
'Remember that what's right isn't always popular... And what's popular isn't always right.' 
Everybody makes mistakes; that's why they put erasers on pencils.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

watch this drama!!

tajuk cite ni 'MY PRINCESS'..cite ni sgt kelakar...skrg tgh ditayangkan di korea...
spe2 yg nak tengok, boleh tengok kat you tube...

cite ni pasal Lee-Sul (Kim Tae-Hee) adalah seorang wanita yang memasuki kolej lambat dari gadis lain. Seperti teman-temannya, mereka bermimpi suatu hari menjadi seorang putri, tetapi untuk Lee-Sul ia benar-benar menjadi seorang putri kehidupan nyata ...

Hae-Young (Song Seung-Heon) adalah seorang diplomat 31 tahun. Dia adalah pengganti tunggal dari Daehan Jonghap Kumpulan (konglomerat terbesar di Korea). Hae-Young juga tampan dan lulus dari sebuah sekolah Ivy League. Menyetujui datuknya `s creed, Park Hae-Young memutuskan untuk menyerahkan hak kepada syarikat dan semua asetnya. Ini semua untuk seorang perempuan muda bernama Lee-Sul.
Lee-Sul adalah mahasiswa 25 tahun, jurusan Sejarah Seni. Dia tidak berfikir tentang rahsia sekitarnya kelahirannya atau kakak tirinya. Lee-Sul menjaga penampilan lusuh dan bekerja beberapa pekerjaan sambilan di atas kerjaya kuliahnya. Dia juga jatuh cinta pada profesor Nam Jung-Woo (Ryu Su-Yeong). Suatu hari, Lee-Sul menjadi putri semalam. Untuk membuat seorang putri-nya, Presiden Daehan Jonghap Group menawarkan semua asetnya. 50.000.000 orang stempel kelulusan mereka bagi keluarga dan kerajaan dari seluruh dunia menghantar telegram ucapan selamat. Lee-Sul menerima peranan Puteri, tapi dia sekarang terkunci di istana dan dipaksa untuk belajar dari subuh sampai larut malam. Lebih buruk lagi, Park Hae-Young adalah satu-satunya pengajar dan dia sombong.

nak tau lagi???tengok la sendiri...korang sume x akn kecewa kalau datengok cite ni...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

What's Inside Private Jets

This year Brighton's international photography festival has been curated by British photographer Martin Parr, and, rather than plump for well-known headline names, he has decided to showcase the work of obscure or niche practicioners. Among the most left-field on the shortlist is Nick Gleis, who photographs the pimped up private jets that belong African dictators and other heads of state.

Until now, the work of private aviation photographer Nick Gleis has gone largely unnoticed, beyond the private photograph albums of his extremely rich clients.
His expertise lies in photographing the most exclusive, world-class private jets and VIP aircraft.
Gleis, who describes his images as “extremely security-sensitive” has photographed the private jets for heads of state of African countries, including Cameroon, and also China. However, due to the private contractual nature of his photography, he will not disclose for the exhibition which aircraft belongs to which client.
The 2010 Brighton Photography Biennale will also feature works by internationally renowned photographers including Robert Mapplethorpe and John Deakin. Gleis is not a fine artist, and his work is rarely exhibitied in fine art galleries - although, according to his website he was trained by influential photographer Ansel Adams.

When asked why he thought his work had been selected for the exhibition Gleis said he thought it was "because of the unique design and unusual nature of the interior of the aircraft, along with who owned the aircraft.”
Gleis has also photographed the private aircraft of many Hollywood celebrities, royalty around the world, and company aircrafts, which can be fitted with conference tables.
Besides his enthusiasm for aircraft, Gleis has also had the opportunity to branch out into photographing other modes of luxury travel:
“Because of the unique financial position of most of my clients, they have other items, such as large collections of exotic automobiles and so on, that I also photograph.”
The content of the images will be in stark contrast to the way in which the festival's curator has chosen to present the work on show.
According to Martin Parr the 2010 Brighton Photography Biennale, called New Documents, the first "frame-free photography festival in the world: to reflect the state of the world's economy, as well as the immediacy and vibrancy of contemporary photography".

"In my travels round the world, I have been seeking out new photography from Japan, Africa, Asia and Latin America, as well as Europe and North America," says Parr. 

Malaikat maut memerhati wajah manusia 70 kali dalam sehari

 MEMANG tiada siapa pun dapat menduga bila saat kematian mereka akan tiba. Sebab itu ramai yang masih leka dan tiada persediaan 'menanti' saat kematian mereka.
Allah berfirman yang bermaksud: "Setiap yang hidup akan merasai mati, dan Kami menguji kamu dengan kesusahan dan kesenangan sebagai cubaan; dan kepada Kamilah kamu akan kembali." (Surah al-Anbiyak ayat 35)

BERSEMADI...alam barzakh menjadi tempat persemadian sebelum manusia dibangkitkan pada hari akhirat.
SEDIH...kematian adalah dugaan bagi menilai keimanan selepas berpisah dengan insan tersayang.

Tahukah kita bahawa malaikat maut sentiasa merenung serta melihat wajah seseorang itu 70 kali dalam sehari? Andainya manusia sedar hakikat itu, nescaya mereka tidak lalai mengingati mati.

Oleh kerana malaikat maut adalah makhluk ghaib, manusia tidak dapat melihat kehadirannya, sebab itu manusia tidak menyedari apa yang dilakukan malaikat Izrail.

Hadis Nabi s.a.w yang diriwayatkan oleh Abdullah bin Abbas r.a bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud: "Bahawa malaikat maut memerhati wajah manusia di muka bumi ini 70 kali dalam sehari. Ketika Izrail datang merenung wajah seseorang, didapati orang itu ada yang gelak-ketawa. Maka berkata Izrail: 'Alangkah hairannya aku melihat orang ini, sedangkan aku diutus oleh Allah untuk mencabut nyawanya, tetapi dia masih berseronok-seronok dan bergelak ketawa.'"

Justeru, tidak hairanlah, jika ramai manusia yang masih mampu lagi bergelak sakan dan bersenang-lenang seolah mereka tiada masalah yang perlu difikirkan dalam hidup.

Takdirnya esok hari terakhir Allah 'pinjamkan' nyawa kepada kita untuk bernafas di muka bumi ini adakah kita sudah cukup bekalan bagi menghadapi dua fasa berikutnya iaitu alam barzakh dan alam akhirat?

Tiada seorang pun di dunia ini dapat menggambarkan bagaimana perasaan dan pengalaman mereka menghadapi saat kematian.

Ajal tidak mengenal sesiapa sama ada mereka itu tua, muda, sihat, kaya atau miskin.

Rasulullah s.a.w juga menjelaskan dalam hadisnya bahawa kesakitan ketika hampir mati itu seperti ditetak 100 kali dengan pedang tajam atau seperti dikoyak kulitnya dari daging ketika hidup-hidup.

Bayangkanlah betapa sakit dan dahsyatnya saat menghadapi kematian.

Kalau hendak diikutkan siapa yang hendak nyawanya dicabut dalam keadaan yang amat menyeksakan.

Maka amat beruntunglah sesiapa yang matinya dalam keadaan khusnul khatimah (kebajikan).

Salman Al-Farisi meriwayatkan hadis Nabi s.a.w yang bermaksud: "Perhatikanlah tiga perkara kepada orang yang sudah hampir mati itu. Pertama: berpeluh pada pelipis pipinya; kedua: berlinang air matanya dan ketiga: lubang hidungnya kembang kempis.

"Manakala jika ia mengeruh seperti tercekik, air mukanya nampak gelap dan keruh dan mulutnya berbuih, menandakan menandakan azab Allah sedang menimpa dia." (Hadis riwayat Abdullah, al-Hakim dan at-Tarmizi)

Kematian 'menjemput' manusia secara perlahan-lahan atau beransur-ansur mulai daripada jasad, hujung kaki kemudian ke paha.

Bagi orang kafir pula, apabila nyawanya hendak dicabut Izrail, wajahnya akan menjadi gelap dan keruh dan dia mengeruh seperti binatang yang disembelih.

Itu pula tanda azab yang diterimanya disebabkan dosa dan kekufuran mereka.

Al-Qamah bin Abdullah meriwayatkan hadis Rasulullah s.a.w yang bermaksud: "Bahawa roh orang mukmin akan ditarik oleh Izrail dari jasadnya dengan perlahan-lahan dan bersopan sementara roh orang kafir pula akan direntap dengan kasar oleh malaikat maut bagaikan mencabut nyawa seekor khimar."

Allah juga turut menimpakan seorang Muslim yang berdosa itu dengan kekasaran ketika mereka menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir sebagai kaffarah dosanya.

Mungkin ada juga orang kafir yang mati dalam ketenangan mungkin kerana ketika hidupnya dia berbuat kebajikan dan itu adalah balasan terhadapnya kerana setiap kebajikan pasti akan dibalas.

Tetapi kerana tidak beriman, ia tidak menjadi pahala kebajikan dan kekufurannya tetap diazab pada hari akhirat kelak.

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud: "Apabila telah sampai ajal seseorang itu maka akan masuklah satu kumpulan malaikat ke dalam lubang-lubang kecil dalam badan dan kemudian mereka menarik rohnya melalui kedua-dua telapak kakinya sehingga sampai ke lutut.

"Setelah itu datang pula sekumpulan malaikat yang lain masuk menarik roh dari lutut hingga sampai ke perut dan kemudiannya mereka keluar. Datang lagi satu kumpulan malaikat yang lain masuk dan menarik rohnya dari perut hingga sampai ke dada dan kemudiannya mereka keluar.

"Dan akhir sekali datang lagi satu kumpulan malaikat masuk dan menarik roh dari dadanya hingga sampai ke kerongkong dan itulah yang dikatakan saat nazak orang itu."

Malaikat Izrail menjalankan arahan Allah s.w.t dengan sempurna. Dia tidak diutuskan hanya untuk mencabut roh orang sakit saja ataupun roh orang yang mendapat kecelakaan dan malapetaka.

Kematian mungkin berlaku kerana sebab bencana seperti gempa bumi, banjir, kebakaran dan ada juga yang matinya disebabkan kemalangan, diserang penyakit berbahaya seperti kanser, jantung, Aids, denggi dan taun.

Seorang yang sedang sakit tenat, menjadi rahmat yang tinggi nilainya kerana Allah masih memberi peluang supaya mereka sedar akan kesilapan yang mereka lakukan selama hidup di dunia.

Maka waktu itu mereka masih berpeluang bertaubat dari dosa dan kesilapan. Begitu juga halnya dengan orang mati mengejut disebabkan kemalangan.
Ia memberi pengajaran dan peringatan kepada mereka yang masih hidup supaya berhati-hati dan tidak lalai berusaha untuk memperbaiki diri.

Justeru, bagi mereka yang masih diberikan nikmat kehidupan perlu sentiasa mengambil iktibar terhadap segala yang berlaku.

Allah menjadikan sebab kematian itu bagi memenuhi janji-Nya kepada malaikat maut.

Saidina Abbas meriwayatkan dalam sebuah hadis antara lain menerangkan malaikat Izrail berasa sedih apabila ditugaskan mencabut roh makhluk bernyawa.

Ini kerana antara makhluk bernyawa itu adalah termasuk manusia yang terdiri daripada kekasih Allah iaitu Rasul, nabi, wali dan orang soleh.

Malaikat maut mengadu kepada Allah betapa dirinya tidak disenangi keturunan Adam a.s.

Dia mungkin dicemuh kerana mencabut roh manusia yang mana menyebabkan orang berduka cita akibat kehilangan orang tersayang dalam hidup mereka.

Justeru, jika seseorang Muslim itu meninggal dunia, beberapa langkah penting perlu dilakukan seperti menempatkan jenazah di tempat yang sesuai sebagai menghormatinya, sunat meletakkan keadaan kakinya menghala ke arah kiblat, tanggalkan pakaian berjahit, tutupkan jenazah dengan sehelai kain nipis ke atas seluruh jasadnya, rapatkan kedua-dua belah matanya dan mulutnya, letakkan kedua-dua tangan jenazah di atas dadanya sebagaimana dalam keadaan qiam (berdiri) ketika solat, letakkan sesuatu yang sederhana berat di atas perutnya seperti gunting dan pisau serta sunat bagi yang hidup mencium jenazah.

Pensyarah di Jabatan Fiqh dan Usul Fiqh, Kuliyyah Ilmu Wahyu dan Warisan Islam, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM), Prof Datuk Dr Mahmood Zuhdi Ab Majid, berkata umat Islam dilarang mengaitkan kematian seorang Muslim itu dengan tanda tertentu.

"Itulah yang menyebabkan umat Islam semakin mundur kerana terlalu banyak mempercayai perkara khurafat dan tahyul.

"Jika ada kematian seperti kemalangan contohnya kita ditegah untuk bertanya kepada waris apakah perbuatan ganjil yang dilakukan sebelum kematiannya," katanya.

Dr Mahmood Zuhdi berkata tiada siapa pun dapat mengelak daripada mati melainkan Allah dan kematian tetap akan datang tepat pada masanya.

"Apabila sampai ajal seseorang, umat Islam digalakkan memberi nasihat kepada keluarga si mati supaya bertenang dan banyakkan bersabar.

"Islam menegah amalan keterlaluan seperti menjerit dan meratapi kematian," katanya.

Beliau berkata bagi mereka yang masih hidup peluang perlu dimanfaatkan dengan memperbaiki keadaan diri yang ternyata banyak melakukan kesilapan dan kesalahan.
"Tiada daya atau usaha yang boleh menyelamatkan kita daripada kematian.

"Kematian menjadikan hati manusia menjadi sedih serta berpisah dengan keluarga tercinta. Hanya amalan soleh saja akan membawa kita bertemu Allah," katanya.

my new blog

hahahaha....teruje bru buat blog....da lme rse nk buat blog tp x kesampaian....okay...let me explain why i use this name for my blog. 'CARTE BLANCHE' bermaksud kebebasan melaksanakan sesuatu mengikut kebijaksanaan sendiri...s0, sy bebas melakukan pe p0n kat blog ni!!haha!! blog ini tempat utk b'kongsi ilmu & meluahkan perasaan(maybe)..dgn adenye blog ini, dptla mengisi mse lpg selame beberape bulan di rumah...selain drpd mkan, tgk tv, membsrkn badan & sbgnye....
ok...that's all for now...
akan mencari idea bru utk blog ni lg....